Student Profile: Yong Jung Cho’12

Interview by Lizzy Lee’14

Involvement on Campus (all Held Positions) :

SGA President , SGA Vice President, SGA Appointments Committee, Tour Guide, Hall Adviser, Greens President, VITA, X-Factor.

My involvement with SGA was the most rewarding. I learned about the campus and people, as well as used my connections and knowledge for action and campaigns.
My term as president of Greens was a great learning experience because it was my first real leadership role. I learned about teamwork, follow-through, making others accountable, and dealing with apathy on campus.

Who were you at the beginning of LEAP, and who are you now?

I learned how to utilize information more effectively, as I would have made a lot of more mistakes without LEAP. Because of LEAP I had more knowledge and was well connected. The project gave me a short-term vision, as having something to accomplish gave me momentum.
Who are your leadership role models?

Jane Goodall – I respect her so much because she pursued something she loved first – connecting with animal in personal level without language. Being able to make such powerful really says something about her character. Now she’s advocating internationally about conservation and engaging younger people – expanding what she loves into a bigger concept. I learned about her when I did 4th grade book project on her.

What is your proudest accomplishment at Bryn Mawr?

SGA – I like knowing that administration has confidence in the students, and that we’ve developed a great working and personal relationship. I am also proud of all the effort I put into increasing awareness about what SGA does.

Did you ever feel overwhelmed or imbalanced with the workload here? How did you deal with it?

Yes, I’ve felt overcommitted, but not in a bad way. I always had lots of things to do and got them done, but my social life took a blow, especially when I was studying for the MCATS). I felt constrained with time, but because i loved everything I did and it was important to me, I didn’t mind. Sometimes I missed my friends, but they were always there for me. It’s important to have friends are always there for you.

What is one of your most memorable moments in college?

Going traying with friends at midnight!!!
What advice would you give to an underclassman?

When freshmen come to college most say, “I don’t have enough time, I just want my freshman year to be easy to transition.” Some of that is valid but the bottom line is, you have enough time, so get involved because that’s what will make the best of your experience at Bryn Mawr.